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Justin Branham


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About Me

Hi, I'm Justin, a United States based Developer with 4+ years of experience working with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, React.js, DOM Manipulation, jQuery, OAuth2, EJS, Lodash, Node.js, Express.js, Python, Machine Learning, PHP, REST, APIs, Mongoose, MongoDB, MySQL, AWS, Heroku, MongoDB Atlas, npm, Homebrew, WordPress, Git, Github, Bitbucket, and Jira. I'm a life-long learner who enjoys creating amazing user experiences and solving tough problems.

Latest Projects

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Machine Learning

I created a simple machine learning model based on linear regression and output the performance metrics and visualized the data all using Python.

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Custom Content Areas

Within WordPress I used Advanced Custom Fields to allow administrators to adjust the content within each section: title, content, and button arguments.

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3D Interactive Campus Map

I was tasked with maintaining and adding new points to this campus map. It is built on top of MapBox, Aurelia JavaScript framework, and MongoDB.

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Customizable Banner

The banner at the top of this page is built within a custom WordPress theme. It is responsive and uses the Advanced Custom Fields plugin which allows administrators to adjust the banner within the wp-admin to change the title, date, button URL and to show or hide the entire banner.

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Custom Search Page

This is a custom built search page template built within WordPress that delivers a better user experience.

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Registration Page

This is a custom page template built within WordPress that hits an internal API to add users to a mailing list.

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University Timeline

This project is built on top of WordPress with a from scratch theme and customized plugins.

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React Keeper

In this project, I used React.js to create a front end replica of the Google Keep App. In this project I used React.js Hooks like useState. Note: this project currently focuses on front end development so a database had not been added, your data will not persist. For examples of backend projects see the Secrets App or the ToDo List App.

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Secrets App

This project is designed to mimic the Whisper app. After a user signs in they can share a secret anonymously. The current version allows a user to only share 1 secret which can be updated. This app uses EJS for the different pages, MongoDB Atlas to store the data, Passport Google OAuth2 to give users the option to sign in with their google account if they prefer, and passport local to salt and hash passwords if a user chooses to create an account with an email and password. I learned a lot about authentication during this project and am a big fan of OAuth2.

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Todo list

ToDo List App

In this project, I used EJS on the front-end and node.js with MongoDB on the backend to create a ToDo app that I hosted on Heroku. This web app allows a user to create and delete items on multiple lists. To create a new list, add a forward slash and the desired list name at the end of the URL ("/exampleListName"). You will see the new list name in the title section and can access this list anytime by returning to the same URL. The data will persist so you can close the window, return and your ToDo list will be there just the way you left it.

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Rental Property Calculator

Rental Property Calculator

When my brother found out I was able to make web apps, he asked me to make him a rental property calculator like the one on BiggerPockets. I used react states so the app can calculate argument changes in real time. This has been a fun project and I'm still adding to it with the goal of it becoming a SaaS product.
Front-end: [HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React.js]
Future Back-end: [Node.js, OAuth2, MongoDB Atlas, Heroku]

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In this project, I created post and get routes, using node.js, express.js, and loDash. I used EJS to create the different pages and the backend uses node.js and MongoDb Atlas to save the posts. The blog has a 'secret' compose area hidden from readers the writer can use to create posts directly on the web app.

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My NewsLetter Sign-up

This project uses the Mailchimp API to store contacts in a predefined Mailchimp audience. This web app uses Bootstrap for styling and is hosted on Heroku.

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In this project, I made a completely responsive website with Bootstrap from scratch that dynamically changes for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.

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I recreated the classic game Simon, using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

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Drum Kit

In this project, I used DOM manipulation and created a Drum Kit that my nieces love to play with.

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Other Projects

Python Jobs Web Scraper

The Python Jobs Web Scraper returns the title and hyperlink of any jobs with "python" (non-case sensitive) in the job title.

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Wiki (REST API Example)

This wiki for random factoids/thoughts is built with a REST API and MongoDB Atlas.

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Line Following Robot - University Project Video

This was one of the projects we competed while at university that really made me appreciate software. We were given limited instructions, just that we were to create a line-following robot and that Arduino boards were a good piece of hardware to accomplish this task. Take a look at the video to see what we came up with.

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